
口腔正畸研究生课程 来自PG电子试玩平台科恩伯格牙科学院的医生强调以证据为基础, 以病人为中心,以结果为导向的护理. 这个全职, 26个月, postdoctoral certificate program educates residents to become qualified specialists in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics with expertise in applied basic sciences, 对病人的关怀, 临床生物力学与诊断治疗方案. Residents are also required to complete a 口腔健康科学理学硕士 while completing the Orthodontics certificate program. 

Residents receive advanced didactic and clinical instruction across all aspects of the discipline, in preparation for a career as an orthodontist in settings such as clinical practice, 研究与学术. 毕业生准备攻读美国正畸委员会的认证. 

的 Orthodontics curriculum incorporates advanced understanding of cutting-edge orthodontic instrumentation, 重点是循证诊断和治疗计划. 你将批判性地评价牙科文献, 研究, 理论, 技术进步 治疗过程 and apply these practices to the multidisciplinary, 对患者进行跨专业治疗. You’ll also develop the skills needed for the sound management of your clinical practice. 

Clinical and didactic seminar coursework is completed at the Kornberg School of Dentistry and during a course at the Charles H. 位于图森市的特威德国际正畸研究和教育基金会, 亚利桑那州, where you will receive intensive hands-on training in differential diagnosis and mechanics. 

Matriculation for the Orthodontics program starts in July of each year and residents are expected to maintain continuous residency status over the course of the program. Completion of the certificate also awards residents with a concurrent Master of Science degree in Oral Health Sciences.


的 Orthodontics Certificate has developed clearly stated the following goals and objectives appropriate to advanced 专业教育, 哪些涉及教育, 病人护理, 研究及服务.

  • 研究生 orthodontists who possess and apply the knowledge and skills required to diagnose, 理解…的基础, 并充分治疗, 单独或与其他牙科和医疗从业人员合作, 正畸病例的同时保持病人的健康.
  • Prepare orthodontic residents for certification by the American Board of Orthodontics.
  • Prepare orthodontic residents to effectively communicate knowledge of orthodontics and related craniofacial anomalies to other medical-dental professionals and their patients
  • 研究生 orthodontists who possess the knowledge and skills required to critically evaluate the dental literature, 研究, 技术进步, 治疗过程, 并将这些知识应用到他们的诊断中, 治疗方案及临床实践.
  • 研究生 orthodontists who understand the theory and methods of clinical and basic science 研究.
  • Receive positive feedback from program graduates in the ongoing evaluation of the postdoctoral orthodontic program.
  • 了解终身学习重要性的毕业正畸医师, 专业发展, 以及他们对专业和整个社会的责任.


正畸学研究生课程的学生申请 口腔健康科学理学硕士 在接受该计划后. 在这个30学分的硕士研究生项目中, students apply modern biological principles and 研究 techniques that aid in diagnosing, 治疗和预防口腔和颅面疾病和异常.

通过跨学科课程, 学生学习结构, development and function of oral tissues; their interrelationships; and their connections to other organ systems. 研究领域包括高级普通牙科, 临床领域, 牙周和颅面再生.

的 program’s Clinical Specialty Track is specifically tailored for postgraduate students currently enrolled in an advanced training certificate in the Kornberg School of Dentistry. Coursework in students’ postgraduate certificate programs count toward the required 30 credits for the 口腔健康科学硕士 degree.



实习安排在4月、5月、6月和7月. 有兴趣参加实习的学生将需要可用, 在人, 每周连续练习两到三天, 星期一至星期五, 从早上8:30开始.m. 至5点.m.

请将以下资料提交至 orthodontics@ilhuan.com 申请实习职位.

  • 目前的简历,包括平均绩点
  • 关于在口腔正畸科实习的兴趣信
  • 你在4月、5月、6月和7月的可用性帐目


的 Orthodontics program at PG电子试玩平台’s Kornberg School of Dentistry offers an Orthodontics internship, which provides the opportunity to build knowledge in orthodontics through a curriculum that balances clinical and didactic methods to become a more competitive applicant for orthodontic residency programs. 了解更多关于正畸实习的信息.

类 & 课程

而临床教学将作为这个项目的基础, some required coursework for the 口腔正畸研究生课程 is completed concurrently with the Master of Science in Oral Biology.


  • 正畸学简介
  • 正畸原理与技术
  • 生物力学
  • 正畸学的历史





Dentists who have completed the Orthodontics graduate program are prepared for advanced careers as

  • 学术教授,
  • 牙齿矫正医师,
  • 口腔和颅面研究人员.


通过正畸科和研究生教育办公室, the residents pursuing careers as mentioned above can receive counseling and support during their tenure at Kornberg and after they graduate. 

的 Orthodontic program regularly hosts guest speakers and career events covering a wide range of topics including

  • 公司和私人执业职业;
  • 债务管理,
  • 专业教育,
  • 办公室设计,以及
  • 实践管理.

学费 & 费用

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, this Certificate in Orthodontics offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费 rates are set annually by the university and are affected by multiple factors, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的. 

你可以看到完整的 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.